United Arab Emirates,UAE-Job's criteria,skilled,complete guidance


Europe-Job's criteria,skilled,complete guidance

Table of Contents

  • United Arab Emirates
  • Degrees of professional employment
  • If the criteria are met, labour is considered skilled work
  • UAE Work Instructions: What Are They
  • Guidelines for travellers to the UAE
  • Advice for travellers to the UAE
  • Start your work
  • Termination of contracts and disputes
  • Transferring to a new company

United Arab Emirates

  • Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed ibn Rashid Al Maktoum is the head of state.
  • Abu Dhabi is the capital
  • Population: 9,272,000 (as of 2022)
  • Exchange rate: 1 USD is equivalent to 3.673 Emirati dirhams.
  • President Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan is the head of state.
  • United Arab Emirates is a union of seven emirates on the Arabian Peninsula's eastern coast.

Degrees of professional employment

According to the International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) published by the International Labour Organization, the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) divides work into nine professional levels. They are as follows:

Level 1: Government officials, supervisors, and corporate leaders

Level 2: Experts in the humanities, sciences, and technology

Level 3: Experts in the disciplines of science, technology, and humanitarianism

Level 4: Writers with experience

Level 5: Jobs in service and sales

Level 6: Experts in farming, fishing, and animal husbandry

Construction, mining, and other craftsmen at level 7

Level 8: Machine and equipment operators and assemblers

Simple vocations at level 9.

If the following criteria are met, labour is considered skilled work:

  • The employee must be qualified as a professional (one amongst first to fifth level mentioned above)
  • The employee has a secondary certificate that is higher than or equivalent to the higher certificate.
  • The appropriate authorities must certify the certificate.
  • The employee's monthly compensation (before commission) cannot be less than AED 4,000.


UAE Work Instructions: What Are They?

  • Your journey to the UAE and associated expenses must be covered by your employer.
  • Keep a copy of the job offer you signed.
  • Your residency permit must be paid for by your company.
  • Your contract must correspond to the employment offer.
  • Whenever you are requested to pay for something, keep the receipts. Store a copy of your signed contract safely.
  • You have the right to always carry your personal identity documents.
  • No work when you get there? You don't get paid on time and in full as you should? Send an email to the Labor Office. Although you have the freedom to leave at any moment, you should be aware of your contractual commitments.
  • You always have a buddy in the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization if you need assistance. You have our support.

Guidelines for travellers to the UAE

What expenses related to my employment in the UAE should my UAE employer be expected to pay for?

According to UAE legislation, your company must cover the costs of your deployment and recruiting. The costs of obtaining an entry visa and travelling to the UAE, as well as the expenses of post-arrival processing requirements including the payment of medical examination fees in the UAE and the issue of your residency permit, are all included in this.

What documents should I anticipate signing before I begin working in the UAE?

Prior to flying to the UAE, your employer or recruiting agent should have made it obvious to you what the terms and conditions of your employment will be when you obtained a written job offer. Make sure you are aware of and comprehend the complete terms and conditions of the employment offer, including your job title and responsibilities, your salary and allowances, and the specific working circumstances, before you sign if you are still being processed for travel to the UAE. Request a copy of the employment offer from your recruiter, and keep it with you in a secure location. The employment contract you are requested to sign must have all of the same terms and conditions as those in your initial job offer if you have already reported to work for your employer in the UAE. Attention: Report right away to the closest labor office if you are asked to sign a contract with altered terms and conditions, even if you are told the changes will benefit you. You are entitled to the same terms and conditions you accepted when you accepted the initial job offer, and contract substitution is unlawful.

Advice for travelers to the UAE

What can I anticipate from my job once I get in the UAE?

Your employment contract must be handed to you by your employer for signing.

Request a copy of your employment contract from your employer, and keep it safe.

Your residency permit will be processed by your company at no cost to you.

In order to receive your residency permit and while waiting for it to be issued, your employer will need your personal identifying documents.

Your employer is required to give you back your personal identifying documents after your residency permit has been granted.

Attention! Once your residency permit has been granted, you are allowed to maintain all of your personal identifying documents.

Start your work

When should I begin working and what should I do in case of a delay?

Upon your arrival, your employer must give you the tools you need to do your job. Report to the closest labour office if you are not given a work contract within a week of arriving or if you are not able to begin working right away.

What should I expect when I start working?

You consented to a contract of employment. You now have obligations that are stated in your contract and that you agreed to when you signed it. Before you sign your employment contract, be sure you are aware of all of your obligations. You must fulfil all of your obligations in order to be eligible for contractual advantages like your salary and allowances.

Your employer is expected to uphold his or her duties under the employment contract, including paying your salary in whole and on time and providing working conditions that are in line with the terms of the contract and UAE labour laws. Likewise, you must uphold your obligations under your employment contract and carry out your duties in a trustworthy manner.

Termination of contracts and disputes

What happens if I decide to leave my job after I've begun working?

If your contract has a limited length, you are generally expected to continue working for your company during that period (i.e. it has an end date). There are specific actions you must take to terminate a contract if it has an infinite duration (i.e., no end date), and these are laid out in your contract.

Even if you must fulfil your duty to your employer, you cannot be forced to stay in your employment relationship against your desire. Your working relationship is a contractual one. 

Your employer or you may both agree to end your contract, provided that both parties have given prior notice. A termination provision in your contract outlines the procedures to be followed if both parties or just one decide to end the employment relationship.

What happens if my employer does not uphold his or her commitments under the employment contract but I still want to work for them?

The opposite party may begin the process of terminating the employment contract if either party fails to fulfil his or her commitments. If your employer fails to uphold his or her contractual obligations, contact the local labour office for assistance. If your company owes you money, labour officials will help you collect it and, if you'd like, they can even help you find another job.

What happens if my employer determines that I have not complied with my contractual obligations?

If you breach the terms of your employment contract while your employer is completely fulfilling his or her obligations to you, your employer may terminate your employment. The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization encourages you to request arbitration if you truly believe you have fulfilled your obligations and that your employer's decision to terminate you is unjustified. If arbitration is unsuccessful in resolving your conflict with your employer, you have the option of taking your case to the labour court. The UAE constitution ensures that you have the right to approach the courts in the UAE.

Attention! After being fired, if you want to look for work elsewhere, you must notify a labour office first to prevent breaking the law. Coming forward and presenting your case to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization is the best way to ensure that your rights are upheld.

What should I do if I wish to end my employment agreement with my employer?

It is crucial that you adhere to the prescribed legal procedures for ending your contract. This means that even if your employer violates the terms of the contract, you cannot just quit and look for employment elsewhere. You should go to a labor office to get help instead. If you are qualified to receive a new work permit, the Labor Office can assist you in recouping any debts owed to you and in setting up placement in alternative employment.

You will receive assistance and protection from your labor office.

Transferring to a new company

A. Can I work for another employer if my contract is terminated?

If and when: You are qualified to get a new work permit.

Your limited-term contract has expired, and you decide not to extend it.

You terminate a renewed limited-term contract in accordance with the notification and payment requirements.

If your contract has an unlimited term, you give your existing employer the required notice in accordance with the termination provision.

Regardless of the length of time you have worked for them, your employer violates the terms of the employment contract (as recognized by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization). If you are categorized as possessing skill levels 1, 2, or 3 according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization's classifications, this latter "6 month" restriction is waived. Ask your employer or a labor official at the local Labor Office if you are unsure of your skill level.

You are ineligible to get a new work permit in the following situations:

  • Before the original limited-term contract's term has run its course, you decide to terminate your agreement.
  • You break your limitless contract's notice clause obligation.
  • You start termination of a renewed limited-term contract in violation of the notice and/or payment obligations.
  • Your employment with your current employer has been terminated as a result of your clear failure to carry out your responsibilities or fulfill your commitments.

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