Abrir El Sitio De Google Trends


google trends

Abrir El Sitio De Google Trends

                                      Use google trends

Activate the Google Trends page. Google Trends is a free tool that measures the popularity of Google search terms using recent data.

Based on the time of year and the area, it displays to users what people are seeking for. After that, you can utilise that data to guide your marketing plan.

We'll go through how to use Google Trends and useful methods to use it for your content strategy in this article.

  • Discover Today's Popular Topics
  • Recognize seasonal trends
  • Improve Your Local SEO Approach
  • Check out your rivals
  • Improve Your SEO Approach

Let's start now.

Google Trends: How to Use It

Instead of measuring keyword search volume, Google Trends measures keyword popularity.

Google explains it as follows: "To assess relative popularity, each data point is divided by total searches for the location and time range it covers."

Enter a keyword into the search bar or pick one of the suggested examples to launch Google Trends.

You can scroll down to see a summary of the most popular trends in your nation.

When using the search bar, just type the term you want information about and press enter. To begin, let's look for "ps5:"

Click the "+ Compare" button next to the primary search term to compare two results. If you compare search phrases like "ps5" to "xbox X," the data looks like this:

For a breakdown of terminology by sub-region, scroll down:

A breakdown of each term's use in each state is available.

Google Trends:  Ways to Use It to Boost Content Strategy

Although Google Trends is a fairly straightforward tool, there are various ways to incorporate it into your overall content strategy.

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Here are the ways that you may improve and supplement your current content strategy by using Google Trends:

Current Trending Topics Search

Discovering hot themes can help you organise your writing, choose interesting viewpoints, and even merely maintain your brand's relevance.

To see "Recent Trending" subjects from throughout the world, scroll down the Google Trends home page.

Would you like us to write a blog article about the upcoming live-action Barbie film? No, that would not be significant down the road.

But will a funny meme on this hot topic go over well on social media? We think so.

Recognize seasonal trends

A tendency that recurs frequently, typically around a particular holiday, is referred to as a seasonal trend.

You can discover when to start marketing your upcoming major vacation by looking at the themes that are now popular on Google Trends.

Consider that you run a flower business. Around Mother's Day and Valentine's Day, it's likely that sales and searches will regularly increase.

Enter a keyword and press enter to begin. After that, modify the date range using the dropdown option. The default is seven days, but you can select from 2004 to the most recent hour.

In order to obtain precise information on seasonal trends, it is best to look back at least a few years.


Around February 7–13, "Flowers for Valentine's Day" begins to receive traffic. You can utilise that information to schedule the launch of your marketing efforts.

You can look into trends that are more difficult to foresee.

Say you provide content for a provider of insurance. Once you have a general understanding of when hurricane season begins, you can plan your content and marketing efforts accordingly.

You may determine whether a hot item is merely a fad or a seasonal trend by looking back a few years. If a keyword's traffic grows around the same time every year, that indicates a tendency.

If not, it's most likely a trend.

For instance, consider the Ice Cube Challenge. It saw very little traffic before August 2014 and after that month.

Fads pass rapidly, so investing time or money in long-term content or marketing strategies may not be the best use of both.

Plan Google Shopping Ads Seasonally

When scheduling your Google Shopping advertising, you may also use data from Google Trends.

Enter a keyword and choose between "Web Search" and "Google Shopping" to get started. Our keyword was "wedding guest outfits."

See the outcomes to determine when interest rises:

Interest in "wedding guest dresses" has increased over time.

Autumn and winter see a decline in interest whereas spring and summer see an uptick.

Running Shopping advertising in January and February can provide you an advantage as that is when things start to pick up again. Additionally, it would be a good idea to run advertisements in the spring and summer.

Improve your local SEO tactics

You can use Google Trends to view the most popular keywords globally or by country, sub-region, metropolitan area, or city.

 This might aid in the improvement of your marketing initiatives and the identification of your target market.

  • Let's utilise a simple illustration, like surfboards. Landlocked areas of the United States have lower rates of those looking to purchase one.

We can observe that people in California and Hawaii are significantly more interested in surfboards than people in the other states when we alternate by sub-region.

  • Let's expand our search to include solely Hawaii to get even more information. Now we can see that interest in surfboards is consistent year-round.

The results displayed by the other widgets are also based solely on searches conducted in Hawaii.

Even if you already know where the majority of your consumers reside, you can still utilise a local rank tracker to fine-tune your local SEO approach by digging deeper into their search histories to identify relevant search phrases and topics that they are interested in.

Research local keyword opportunities

If you're a small business owner, you probably care more about local trends than those on a national or international scale.

To create content that truly matters to your audience, look at local trends.

Imagine you are the owner of a car dealership in Chicago, Illinois. You can choose your city when conducting a search for "honda dealer."

Scroll down for related questions and topics, which now include Chicago.

You can see search phrases for particular dealers and different automobile brands only from the example above. Examine them to find possible rivals and even to create content.

It would be a good idea to write comparative blog pieces regarding Kia, Toyota, Hyundai, and Ford vehicles and their Honda equivalents based on the related searches.

Tracking your rivals

To compare your brand to the competition, return to Google's trend comparison tool.

 For this example, Netflix and Hulu will be used. To gain a better picture of their individual performances in this situation, it would definitely be more beneficial to set the time frame a few years earlier.

It is evident that the market has remained constant over the past five years, with Netflix comfortably holding the top spot;

We can also notice that many of the traffic peaks for both brands occur at the same time (probably due to new releases or news from either brand).

Let's compare HBO Max and Hulu to see which one exhibits a little more volatility.

In May 2020, HBO Max, a more recent streaming service, made its debut. It might experience a slight increase in traffic as early as 2019, which is probably when the rumours started before the announcement.

Then, after its launch, HBO Max experienced a significant rise and at times even outperformed Hulu.

In order to duplicate their success or modify your marketing plan appropriately, if you worked for one of these businesses, you could want to look at the shows that your rival released during their traffic peaks.

Using a market research tool like Market Explorer is one method to keep an eye on the trends of your competition. You can compare the tendencies of your business to those of your rivals.

  • Here, Netflix is the focus, with Hulu and HBO Max serving as the major rivals.

On the primary page that opens after clicking "Create and Analyze," there is a widget for Trending Keywords.

Hover your cursor over various keywords to observe their volume growth and the websites where they are trending.

You may discover which keywords were popular during the previous month by switching to "Top Keywords";

You can have a better understanding of what works for your competitors and what might work for you too by examining the trends on their websites.

There are a lot of popular comedic movies and television shows in the image above (and even general categories like "comedy movies" and "funny movies").

 If you don't respond to trends, you can lose visitors or clients.


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